EU approves third round of pesticide review

The European Commission recently confirmed the re-registration of herbicides such as galloxapol, clomazone, and the fungicide fludioxonil. These active ingredients were formally listed on the 1st of November 2007 in Annex I of the European Union's agrochemical registration directive (91/414). This is the first active ingredient approved for re-registration in the EU's third round of reconsideration of existing active ingredients.

As of April 30, 2009, EU member states must carry out inspection and analysis of existing products containing the above active ingredients in accordance with the terms of Annex I, and complete re-registration by October 31, 2012.

The provisions in Appendix I stipulate that when registering a product containing a benzyl herbine component, the EU member states must ensure the safety of the applicator, aquatic organisms and non-target crops, and the non-application buffer must also ensure that it is not affected. . It is also necessary to record a record of mitigation measures when registering iridium turfgrass, including the provision of personal protective equipment for the applicator and the provision of a buffer zone to protect non-target crops. If the EU permits the use of fludioxonil in addition to seed treatment, member states must take appropriate mitigation measures to protect groundwater, fish, and aquatic invertebrates.

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